Bitter x Sweet

Ayala Museum invites you in a crowd-sourced interactive project. Be part of our crowd sourced interactive project by submitting an object that echoes a bitter story that stings in the heart OR a sweet memory that will put a smile on our faces. We will put them up on display in Ayala Museum starting February 11 during our Art to Heart 2017! Exhibition will run from February 11 to 26, 2017. Submission are open to the public. Send us a photo of any object that you own that echoes a bitter story or a sweet memory (e.g. love letter, wedding dress, stuffed toy, etc.) with a short description of 50 words or less saying why it is brings bitter or sweet memories. You can either email us at with the subject “Bitter x Sweet Submission” OR post on Instagram and tag us (@ayalamuseum) with the hashtag #AMTeamBitter or #AMTeamSweet Each person can only submit ONE object for review. Only objects no taller than 2 feet and no wider than 1 feet will be accepted. (For objects that you want to submit but are higher or wider than requirements: please submit only if they can be folded and you grant us permission to fold them to fit into the glass cases.) Deadline of Submission: February 1, 2017 Email confirmation if your object is selected will be received on or before February 2, 2017, 5PM Ingress: Expected delivery of object to Ayala Museum: February 4 – 8, 2017 Exhibition duration: February 11 – 26, 2017

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