A.T. Harv Eker’s Signature Program “Millionaire Mind Intensive” is a 3-day event where you’ll discover areas in your life that have been holding you back financially and learn ways to change them- right there, right then! This program has been attended by millions of people from 46 countries, 5 continents for the past 22 years. Truly a weekend that will change your financial life forever! Are You Hardwired For Success? Have you ever wondered how millionaires make their fortune, and how some people seem destined for wealth and success while others never quite manage to achieve their financial dreams? Winning the Money Game Each of us has a personal money blueprint ingrained in our subconscious mind. And it is this blueprint that often determines our financial life. Unfortunately, your current money blueprint will likely stay with you forever unless you identify it and change it. Most people go through life lacking the skills required to help them win the money game, and as adults are never quite able to achieve success financially. In general people are lacking the financial education, the knowledge and the skills to build wealth… especially in a “slow” economy. In order to change this you need to get re-educated. You need to reinvent yourself for success in the current economy. This is where the Millionaire Mind Seminar comes in… you will be given the right tools from the assistance of a best-selling author T. Harv Eker’s work to learn how to re-program your mindset, change your financial habits and start improving your finances – regardless how small your current capital may be. Here’s just a part of what the seminar covers: *What your current money blueprint is set for (poor, mediocre or rich). *How to alleviate your current blueprint and how to reset it for “automatic” success. *How rich people think differently from broke people and what to model from them. *How to “rule” money and not let it rule you. *Why it is important to become rich in today’s economy. *How to thrive in today’s economy. *How to identify your true “purpose” for wealth. *The secret of money and relationships; and why finances cause so many arguments. *How to identify your money “personality” and work with your “natural” self to succeed. *What’s your “number”… the exact amount you would need to become financially free. *A simple, effective money management method created by best selling author T. Harv Eker. *How to achieve success with balance (perfect for workaholics). *Passive income vehicles that are suitable for both today’s and tomorrow’s economy. *To create an action plan that pushes you to get started and keeps you on the fast track to wealth. *To think, feel and act differently about money, wealth, and most importantly… yourself! *The “new” way of doing business that is best suited for today’s economy. NOTE: The Millionaire Mind Intensive is a financial education seminar of creating a wealth mindset, it is not a money making seminar or a get rich quick scheme. It educates oneself on how a millionaire thinks and acts and does not guarantee that you will become a millionaire. The Millionaire Mind Intensive is aimed for professionals, managers, executives and business owners. It can also be aimed at anyone who is seeking to improve their personal and money knowledge.